Why a lawn needs aeration?
During year-round use of the garden, the surface thickens. This is influenced by factors such as melting snow, trampling or driving over, for example, a wheelbarrow. A common phenomenon among lawns is the production of a layer of felt (organic matter) during the year. Felt is divided into two types: surface and subsurface. Unfortunately, but both are detrimental to the overall development of grasses, as they limit the penetration of water, oxygen, fertilizer and nutrients into the soil. Therefore, to protect the grass from withering and yellowing, a borehole aeration treatment is performed. This will eliminate excessive compacting of the top layer of turf and improve the overall condition of the lawn.
Before treatment, it is a good idea to properly prepare the lawn and the ground. Cut grass and stones or sticks should be removed from its surface. It is advisable to keep the soil slightly moist, so that it will be easier to cut holes. However, keep in mind that the soil must be neither too wet nor too dry. Wait for water to infiltrate the lower layers of the turf before starting work. Also make sure that the grass in the garden is not too high. Before aerating the lawn, cut the lawn to the correct height. The stalks should measure about 3 centimeters. If the turf is taller, the grass may wrap along the blades, or the aerator will break off clumps of.
How aeration is performed?
It depends on the equipment chosen and the type of treatment being performed. If you decide to aerate the lawn with special shoes, you will thus perform surface aeration with a small depth. In this version, the puncturing of the turf is done in a very simple way. To perform aeration, walk around the lawn in spiked overlays to evenly prick the soil. Aeration of the lawn made by this method is quite shallow. Lawn aeration performed with a special roller looks similar. Just drag it across the lawn in one direction across the garden to make the right number of holes. As with overlays, lawn aeration done this way does not cut deeply into the grass.
A great looking lawn usually requires time and effort, but with the help of an aerator, this task will become easier with the quick and effective removal of moss and felt. The perfect tool for pre-season and post-season lawn care
Using a combustion aerator, which cuts deeper holes in the soil, is the most effective method for deep aeration, which will liberate the turf from a layer of organic matter. Moreover, aeration of the lawn with the help of mechanical equipment ensures an even density of holes and their uniform depth. The soil from the cut holes is pulled out on top and removed, which prevents the ground from compacting around it - something we only have to deal with by puncturing the turf. This operation thins the compacted layer on the lawn surface and at the same time loosens the compact soil in the root zone (commonly known as subsurface compacting).
It is also worth mentioning an interesting solution - a liquid aerator. It is a biological preparation that contains beneficial microorganisms that accelerate the mineralization of organic residues. In addition, they reduce viruses, bacteria and fungi. Biological aeration has a positive effect on soil hydration and aeration. Importantly, the spray can also be applied to new sowings.
Such a "tubular" aerator is in fact a normal, real aerator
what is commonly sold is actually something like an electric/sparkling rake that scrapes the "felt" from the lawn.
Advantages of aeration
The horticultural procedure of aeration is not only valuable, but even necessary for the proper development of your turf. Performed systematically, it will definitely have a positive effect on your blades, as:
- promotes lawn regeneration;
- improves the health of the turf and thus reduces subsequent labor;
- helps the roots absorb oxygen, needed fertilizers and water through the gaps made;
- improves air exchange between the soil and the atmosphere;
- strengthens the regenerative capacity of the turf and promotes its tillering;
- reduces soil compaction under the lawn;
- increases the water holding capacity of the soil;
- reduces surface runoff and puddle formation;
- grass roots become stronger, which increases the resistance of the lawn;
- strengthens the turf's resistance to heat and drought;
- loosens the organic matter layer, which greatly improves water flow;
- has a beneficial effect on the elasticity and softness of the stalks.
aerator/areator - the names are so similar, besides, everyone knows what they are talking about anyway, I think there is no point in getting upset.
ps. after using the aerator "tubular" should carry out the procedure of sanding the lawn - just in these places after the cut plugs should fall sand to improve air-water relations in the soil.
Frequency of treatment
Weibang Tube Aerator is a real TOP in its class
There are only a few Professional brands on the market like WEIBANG , BlueBird or Billy Goat
In truth, there is no rule for this. Aeration is performed whenever necessary. However, many people like to have it as a regular item on their annual lawn care schedule, at least once a season (usually in spring). And very rightly so! Annual aeration benefits our lawn alone. Moreover, frequently used lawns or those established on heavy soils require aeration up to two or three times a year. Golf courses, sports lawns, and urban lawns may require cutting three to five times a year. It depends on the degree of use.
When to perform lawn aeration?
Depending on the species of grass, usually spring and autumn is the best time to carry out aeration. For spring, we choose a time between March and May. It can be the first step to regenerate the lawn after winter. Of course, we can also take care of the turf in the summer. At this time of year, borehole aeration is used to improve the distribution of water to the root system, resulting in water conservation and better use of water. We can also carry out aeration treatment in late summer. In autumn, we choose the time to perform aeration before November. Aeration before or during end-of-season fertilization promotes root development and improves next season's growth.
Regularly drilling holes in lawns throughout the growing season will certainly have a positive effect on the ground, as the soil will get better access to water and fertilizers. Aeration of the lawn will also eliminate the risk of moss and excessive soil compaction. take into account that there are different types of lawn aeration and it is worth using them depending on your needs.
Other care treatments
Aeration is a maintenance run on intensive lawns, which is performed with aeration machines called aerators.Under the influence of aeration, the mass of grass roots increases noticeably, and the turf of the lawn is evened out. Systematic aeration contributes to the reduction of losses due to excessive water evaporation, to the more effective action of fertilizers, to the increase of lawn elasticity and regeneration capacity.
Of course, there are many ways to comprehensively care for the garden. First, it is worth remembering that proper fertilization is the primary and most important way to get the turf of your dreams. However, lawn scarification is another important garden job. It should be done, preferably in spring, as this is the best way to remove moss and felt, and with them fungal spores and weed seeds. It also reduces the appearance of moss. Wondering what the order is: aeration or scarification first? As a general rule, scarification should be carried out first, due to the fact that it is a more invasive measure. For important tips on what scarification looks like and when to perform this procedure, see our detailed article on scarification!